About Painting by Numbers - What is it

What is the counting method?

Malen nach Zahlen is a Malmethodik, bei dem ohne Wissen über Malerei alle Arten von Meisterwerken bzw. Images selbst gemalt were können. If you look at the pictures, you will see an image in the field below, which you can see with a number of numbers, which are different from each other.

Malen nach Zahlen Motiv und Vorlage

Grinding is complete with all the images and numbers Felder with the different numbers Farbe, which in the Malset is enthalten, and is bright with the image of a solid “Meisterwerk”, but wenn Sie vorher nor nie in Ihrem Leben gemalt haben!

Wie funktioniert Malen nach Zahlen?

Versuchen Sie, einen Farbe auf eenmal zu millen, und kostenlose sie den Pinsel, bevor Sie mit der nächsten Farbe begin.

Malen nach Zahlen Malprozess

See if you can see the video in order to watch it and see the motivation in real life:

Was ist Malen nach Zahlen Video

The originals and numbered Zahlenfelder were printed on the high canvas (Leinwand), and the original colors were also printed 3 pins since always on the canvas set.

Malen nach Zahlen Erwachsene Set

Malen nach Zahlen Erwachsene Set

With myPaintLab you can order painting after painting. You can also order a painting after painting set with a printed surface (rolled) or with a wooden frame ( painting after painting service ). The rolled Leinwand can also be tensioned and secured, even if you order the Leinwand with mounting support.

Malen nach Zahlen Leinwand bespannt auf Keilrahmen

Grind after Zahlen Leinwand spannt auf Keilrahmen

Malen nach Zahlen Leinwand auf Keilrahmen

A typical "Malen nach Zahlen" - Set with the following products: 1. Packaging, 2. Leinwandmotiv with Wahlenfeldern (optional with heavy weight), 3. Malanleitung (with packaging), 4. 3x Pinsel, 5. Pre-packaged.

Malen nach Zahlen Set Inhalt mit vorgemischte Farben

Grinding on the couch screams tradition as a plaything for children, which is limited by the classical grinding on the wall with theme motifs. myPaintLab Malen nach Zahlen Themenmotive since special for Erwachsene entwickelt. We don't have a great theme, even if we have a theme with z. B. Abstrakt, Tier, Landschaftsmalerei. There are still large formats for grinding after a row of pictures and more pictures of a grinding after a row of flowers. The motives are, which is 3-part (Triptychon) bis 5-part.

myPaintLab The art of painting for the living experience shows more of the artistic passion that comes with the painting and decoration and the gestaltung of the room. Ferner is also perfect for the Anti-Stress Malerei . This is the ideal gift idea for your family and friends.

Malen nach Zahlen Abstrakte Kunst - Akt

Malen nach Zahlen Abstrakte Kunst - Akt

Malen nach Zahlen XXL Großformat

Grinding nach Zahlen XXL Grossformat

Malen nach Zahlen Tierkunst

Grinding to Count Animal Art

Malen nach Zahlen Raumdeko 5-teilig

Grinding after Zahlen Raumdeko 5 parts

myPaintLab is still working on painting as a motivation for owning a photo. If you convert your own photos into your favorite subjects, you can read more about your favorite themes.

Malen nach Zahlen Wunschmotiv vom eigenen Foto

myPaintLab You can still enjoy more than 2000 printable and detailed themes and enjoy high quality in the entire world. Visit our online shop for your favorite themes and your favorite designs.