Production and delivery times - Versandkosten

Production and delivery times - Versandkosten

myPaintLab Malen nach Zahlen Lieferservices

myPaintLab Malen nach Zahlen - Made in Germany:

myPaintLab Grind after baking Sets were handmade and produced in a warehouse at home. All sets are first manufactured after ordering and then optionally supplied with wooden frames.

The largest selection of sets since Made in Germany and no imports. These were restored in our own production or by our partner in Germany. Damit guarantees that local production will be carried out and that no additional transport options will be taken from Asia to Anspruch. They can also be used in small formats. They are suitable for your needs, reasons with special considerations depending on your preference.

We guarantee that our Leinwände will always be loved, if no tension is ordered - our Leinwände will never be welcomed!

Malen nach Zahlen Leinwand Qualität

Lieferzeiten: Die Lieferzeit setzt sich aus der Productionszeit und Versandzeit zijnammen und beträgt zurzeit approx. 7 Werktage innerhalb Deutschlands. Dies hängt vom Bestellumfang, Beschaffenheit der Sendung und Größe der Leinwände ab. If these can be used, the only transmissions per Sperrgut (Spedition) have been changed. Sends that have been shipped to Germany vary here depending on your package holiday.

We offer a large format for large formats and formats as well as professional installation services for all large formats and - as well as for large format, more detailed designs and images. We would like to offer you an internal purchase order in Germany from 3.99 Euro , so you can order the article you want.

Product information: myPaintLab tells you the motivation for ordering and processing. This means there is no bearing, in which the product is true. The image is clearly handcrafted.

1. For normal motivation we have 1-3 days, for the production after follow-up production

2. For your desire to be motivated by 2-5 days, your knowledge of your passion will last forever.

The large spectrum of the production process is developed. This means that the information contained in the instructions can be found in the inner half of 7 workdays and that the image complexity can be adjusted. If it can last a little longer, it is always a complex motivation, so the quality is high.

You can also consider your ordering process and choose a clean picture wall with detailed wishes, because of the motivation for real wooden walls that will be taken care of so that certain walls can also be changed. The individual effort to work on the production process is longer lasting than production, because the skills of the production process are important.

Versandzeit- und Gebühren: The news regarding your country between 1 and 10 days within Europe. Access to Europe can last up to 10-20 days. Zum Teil muss die Ware durch den Zoll. Then you can get care. Bedingungen für Kunden in europäischen Ländern ausserhalb Deutschlands: die Versandgebühren zijn je nach Zielland berechnet.

These costs will be charged for your goods, if you are in the country / post office (employed, if you can order directly by Paypal Express), if you wish to order your parcel, if you are a registrar you can order your guest with address.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass für Kunden aus NICHT-EU Staaten wie zB der Schweiz, Norway, Großbritannien Zoll- und Mwst. Costs can be included in the purchase price.

Malen nach Zahlen Expressservice

Express services since they are available. Please contact us for your order by telephone or e-mail and organize for your order (including complexity and size and delivery) and express delivery with EXTRA Bühren. These were their knowledge with completeness.