Send us your original photo(s) for the design. E-Mail to: - the photo is always available for processing during the meal.
Have you seen fantastic photos in your spare time? Printed photos are few and far between and exciting, as we would like to see them as their own Gemälde who grind the Meisterwerke von Monet. You can create your own photo using myPaintLab Personalized Male Rei Kit.
Schicken Sie uns Ihr Foto z: Landschaften, atemberaubende Szenen oder Momente.
We can see my own photo in a detailed format with numerical measurements. Danachen Sie die Zahlenfelder mit den Farben und Pinsel, die Ihnen vom myPaintLab Kit zur Verfügung were made!
Order Process:
Wählen Sie die Größe des zu erstellenden Motivs von der Angebotsliste here and send their Ihr(e) Original photo(s). Geben Sie an, ob and wie Ihre Photos bearbeitet haben möchten (optional): The prices for the images included with it. After the preparation for the preparation of new work, we begin with the photos during our work. Eine Entwurfsvorlage wird voor der finalen Erstellung zur Bestätigung als digitale Foto per E-Mail zugesandt.
1.) Please send your original photo(s) for your review. Send an e-mail - the photo must be taken before processing in a meal after the season before being tested.
2.) MyPaintLab contains information about the price for the final installation with -> Rechnungsbetrag überweisen.
3.) MyPaintLab will send you an email for confirmation.
4.) Final Vorlage is written after ordering or unstressed with pins and paint. (Erstellung und Lieferung: approx. 1-2 weeks)
5.) Finalize the images from the pictures of the flowers.