How to judge the quality of a Painting by Numbers set (A Professional Guide)

1. The quality of the printed patterns.

At the end of the day, you buy the theme presented in the online store. The first pitfall to watch out is: does the image presented in the online store really represent the final painting result? In another word, will you get what you see? Many online stores try to use real PHOTOs to present the Paint by Numbers kit offered, and not the final Paint by Numbers result you will get after painting. The major difference between photos and paintings is that the photos replicate all real-life details and paintings don’t! The two images below explain the differences. The one to the left is a photo, and the one to the left is a Painting from Paint by Numbers.

This is a typical example because in general, it is very difficult or impossible for Paint by Numbers paintings to depict the gradient effect such as sunshine and lightings.

Therefore, the Paint by Numbers paintings will have obvious borders between different color zones as shown below right in the clouds around the sun. In such cases the photos will look much more brilliant than the outcome of the Paint by Numbers painting Many sellers attempt to use photos as advertised product image and not the actual painting results.

On the other hand, the real photos contain thousands of colors, but Paint by Numbers paintings always have limited colors. The results can be very different from a photo to the actual painting derived from a Paint by Numbers kit.

We are not saying the painting effects are not as good as photos, they are just two different things and have their own advantages. The main point here is to let you be aware of, that it should be crystally clear what you will get is what you see, to avoid any negative surprises / disappointments after you spent weeks working on your Paint by Numbers kit.

To cope with this dilemma, here are some proposed solutions from profis:

  • For complicated themes, try to order larger sizes of Paint by Numbers kits, a 40*50cm standard size cannot easily handle a very complicated theme. You can have a 40*50cm canvas that is perfectly easy to read, but then you can be almost sure this Paint by Numbers kit was not designed to depict much details that would make the painting more beautiful. Ease of reading vs. detail capturing is always Paint by Numbers’ dilemma and cannot be fulfilled at the same time!

  • For a complicated theme, if you still want to decide for a standard 40*50cm size due to whatever reasons (i.e. prices, or no choice), then try to ask the seller for a digital copy of the canvas patterns and numbering. Zoom it up to see the details in your PC or tablet while painting. When the details are small, a normal reference hardcopy in A3 or A4 may not be helpful because they will also not be clear enough to read.

  • If both solutions above don’t work, then try to choose a motive that is easier. You can normally tell the level of difficulty from the image presented in the online store. If a theme looks to have a lot of small details, it must be a complicated one. It is therefore again critical that the sellers present the “honest” painting images in their offers so that you can make right judgements. If you are happy with the authentic painting effect, then even a painting with less details can satisfy you and you do not need to pursue a super difficult theme.

  • Another final professional tips here: Don’t panic if there are some very tiny areas you cannot read the numbers. If the areas are tiny, as long as they are not the areas in the key parts of the painting and will have deciding impacts on the overall result, i.e. in people’s eyes or faces, then either leave them for the moment and paint them in the last steps (by then you shall also have better idea how to fill them up), or simply ignore them and paint with your own judgements. No one will see any differences from a tiny area. Focus on the major work and move on!

5. Paints quality

Paints are another essential part of a Paint by Numbers kit. You want to look at the paints from the following perspectives:

  • The covering power of the acrylic paints. After you apply the paints to the canvas, it shall be able to cover the digits and lines pre-printed on the canvas. Exceptions are for the very light color paints, i.e. the white colors, you may need to apply many times to cover darker numbers or colors below. A tip is that you can always use cotton swab dipped with water to first “wash away” the black lines / numbers to be covered by white or light colors, and then apply the white color over.
  • The fluidity of the paints is also to be watched. It shall not be too dry and neither too fluid. However due to unnoticeable crevices of the paint pot, paints could get somehow drier. This is however not that problematic as long as they are not yet fully dried. Add some water and wait for a while and the paint shall be again in good shape.
  • Last but not the least is the safety of the paints. Check if the paints have irritating odor after opening the pots. The easiest thing is to order Paint by Numbers kits from leading brands. Manufactures such as myPaintLab has already done the safety check in the early stage of material sourcing to ensure only highly safe and qualified paint materials are used.
  • However well you store the paints; It can still go dry over time. Especially when your painting period is long. It is therefore important to choose suppliers that have the capability to resupply the paints you need quickly. Sometimes you will never be able to finish a painting without a color resent by the supplier. This is also an important Paint by Numbers service you want to watch for prior to purchasing.
  • However well you store the paints; It can still go dry over time. Especially when your painting period is long. It is therefore important to choose suppliers that have the capability to resupply the paints you need quickly. Sometimes you will never be able to finish a painting without a color resent by the supplier. This is also an important Paint by Numbers service you want to watch for prior to purchasing.
  • Color deviations are often the topics people talk about. This can be a complicated thing because many factors can cause the color discrepancies. We have a separate article explaining the color discrepancy possibilities and reasons. Again, you first need to buy from stores that present the “honest” product images, and if you see major color differences between you painting result and the advertised image, you need a responsible service team to help you identify the issues and find solutions.