There are thousands of paint by numbers offers on the market. How can you effectively judge the quality? As a paint by numbers manufacturer, let us break down the essential developments and details behind a paint by numbers set and explain to you how to judge the quality of a paint by numbers set.
The visible components of a paint by numbers set include the canvas with the paint by numbers pattern of the motif you ordered, paint pots and brushes, wooden frame strips (optional) and the packaging. The invisible part of the set is the professional customer service (which in some cases should not be underestimated). Let's examine the individual topics in more detail.
1.The canvas.
The screen is the most important and crucial element of the overall package, which will be examined here in 3 further perspectives:
A. Quality of printed samples
The first pitfall when buying from the online store is: does the picture presented in the online store really represent the final painting result? In other words, will you get exactly the picture you see? Many online stores try to use real photos to present the paint by numbers set, and not the final painting result you will get after painting. The main difference between photos and self-painted artworks is that the photos recreate all the details from real life (gradients and smallest details and subtleties) and the painted artworks do not! The two pictures below explain the differences. The left picture is the real photo and the right picture is a painted paint by numbers motif.
This is a typical example, as it is generally very difficult or impossible for paint by numbers subjects to depict the gradient effect such as sunshine and lighting. In such cases, the paintings have clear boundaries between different color zones, as shown in the clouds around the sun in the bottom right. In such cases, the photos look much more brilliant than the painting result, and sellers try to use photos as an advertised product image rather than the actual painting result.
On the other hand, the real photos contain thousands of colors (color gradations), but paint by numbers pictures always have a limited color scheme. The results can be very different from a photo to the actual painting that comes from a paint by numbers kit.
We are not saying that the painting effects are not as good as photos. They are just two different things and have their own advantages. The main point here is to make you aware of these differences in order to avoid negative surprises and disappointments after working on the paint by numbers picture for weeks.